Tuesday, February 14, 2017


I can recall being a young girl and looking over to my sister and saying "I wonder what's out there," as I gazed up at the stars. Her replied " Girl, what are you talking about?"

Sometimes people don't have your curiosity or your vision.

Although my sister was not on board, with an intuition to see beyond the stars, I was.

We have all been given a mission and its important for us to uncover it, while we are on this journey called life.

She has no limits, she has no bounds.
Often times, we can get in our own way of reaching our mission based on the perception of what others think is possible.

We must have the self-confidence, that the universe placed in us, all we need to reach our goals.

Of course, its okay to listen to others, but at the end of the day, go with your gut feeling. You are the captain of your ship, you are the writer of your script. 

Do you think Nikola Tesla or Albert Einstein would have achieve what they achieved, if they listened to limitations of others? They listen to the voice within.

How about Steve Jobs?

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They someone how know, what you truly want to become." - Steve Jobs

Photography by Ron Hill

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